The following is a compilation of teachers who have taught at The Seeker's Round Table, as well as information and websites I recommend.
The Heretical Numerologst
Julia Chambers Director and founder of The Seeker's Round Table, Julia is a professional numerologist as well as a 7th generation dowser and student of "The Gift." A believer in the duality of Life as both spiritual as well as physical, her "Soul-Rooted" approach to numbers is spiritual-philosophical in nature. In metaphysical circles, Julia is known for her profound readings, public teaching, karmic-style numerology, networking of local teachers/classes, and her spiritual and charity work with children. Credentials include degrees in theology, music and Liberal Studies with dual emphasis including psychology, as well as multiple awards in public speaking, music performance and published writing. Drawing upon a lifetime of leadership
accomplishments, writing, public speaking, and study of the music
arts, Julia brings a unique and empowering perspective to the world
of spirituality, metaphysics and numbers. |
JOE NICOLS Joe Nicols has spent over thirty-six years in the study of palmistry and psychic development. He founded the Central Texas Parapsychology Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering understanding of psychic phenomena. Joe has been featured in Austin American Statesman, New Mexico's Pueble Time-S, and Austin Business Women's Association magazine. He has appeared on radio and television, and has conducted seminars and workshops in numerous cities throughout the United States and overseas, including Hong Kong and India. Joe teaches workshops and seminars which include, "Psychic Development," "Psychic Healing," "Palmistry." "Dream and Symbol Interpretations," "Discovering Past Lives," "Reading the Regular Deck of Cards," "Manifest a Better Love Life," "Manifesting a More Fulfilling Career," "Manifesting Financial Abundance," and "Finding and Expressing Your Inner Light, and Protecting Yourself Psychically While You Do It." He has also trained a number of individuals who are now working as professional psychics. Joe's book "How To Make A Good Living As A Professional Psychic," is a practical manual on how to build a metaphysical hobby into a part-time or full-time business. Joe brings a
varied personal background to his work, including having been an
Army officer and having lived and worked in Australia. He holds a
Master of Arts degree in Speech-Language Pathology from the
University of Texas at Austin, and had six years of clinical
experience working in hospital and rehabilitation settings. |
Yanie Brewer
Applying her life with
Spirit, Yanie Leaha Kyra is an intuitive teacher and healer.
She brings her talents into her journey to assist people in their
awareness and soul connection.
As an intuitive, she has
the ability to relate with an individual bringing light and focus to
their life, present and future. One of her heartfelt joys is
reaching higher dimensions, to bring messages from loved ones or
friends, who have passed over.
Reiki, chakra balancing,
sound vibrations, and past life regression, are among the methods
used in her healing work. She is also skilled at Holographic
Repatterning, which is a process for identifying the negative
unconscious beliefs that affect personal growth, and transforming
these beliefs to assist you in achieving your potential in all areas
of your life.
In group settings, she acts
as a facilitator, for meditation awareness and deeper inner personal
growth. |
Daeryl Holzer
Opening A Window To The Soul: A Guide to Living Beyond the Human Drama One of today's emerging luminaries, Daeryl has helped countless people to shift their focus from human drama to exalted soul living. With a compassionate heart, wisdom from Spirit and clairvoyant vision, as well as her own experiences of triumph over trauma, she shares her understanding to inspire others. Through a decade of client work and personal discovery, she has developed an effective healing program to transform fear-based feelings and overcome challenges. Her SoulShift Process embraces the value of the soul perspective, our oneness with Spirit and the power of inspirational visualizations. |
Scheurell Lynn Scheurell teaches entrepreneurs how to live with greater joy by expressing their life purpose through their business. By cultivating and mastering their intuition, they can naturally quantum leap their personal and business growth for powerful transformation. Download a free e-guide “Own the Wisdom Within: Five Keys to Using Life’s Turning Points for Transformational Success” at |
Irwin, RScP, CSMI is an electrical engineer, an author and speaker,
the Silva Method Instructor for the Austin Metroplex to San Antonio
and a Licensed Spiritual Coach/Counselor. A native Texan, Lamar
brings a multifaceted approach to those ‘How do I live life’
questions. Lamar is also the local Austin/San Antonio
instructor from the Silva Method. The Silva Method teaches you
how to focus, harness and direct your Mind’s attention using the
faculties of the genius Mind, visualization and imagination.
Successful people in every discipline have excelled at a craft
because he or she used more of the potential of their Minds.
Business executives and owners who make choices following certain
steps in their Minds find that they succeed by tapping into a
focused creativity that works at will. Olympian class athletes use
these techniques that were developed by a genius Mind in Laredo,
Jose Silva. Lamar emphasizes that the first part of the class
handles anyone being able to achieve deep ‘daynamic’ level of their
Mind with the express intents of releasing negative stress and
tuning the Mind to its optimally efficient frequency level, the
alpha level. |
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Candice Oneida
has over 14 years experience working with and teaching the
techniques of the Point Horizon Institute. In that time she has
given thousands of one-on-one personal sessions (ISIS) and conducted
over 30 meditation and ISIS workshops throughout the USA and
Australia. |
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linda drake
Linda is an Intuitive/Medium, channel, teacher and published author of two books, "Reaching Through the Veil to Heal" and "The Secret Pathway to Healing Your Issues." Through the guidance of the Group
Consciousness of Abraham, Linda assist’s people in discovering their
soul’s purpose for this lifetime. Abraham’s messages of empowerment
provide tools to release negative belief systems and patterns that
challenge your life. |
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Adrienne Goff Kaleid-escape Energy Work
Her resume is a colorful palate of internationally known instructors and eclectic modalities. She earned her Advanced Crystal Healing Certification from Katrina Raphaell, founder of the Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing Arts on Kauai, and author of the Crystal Trilogy. She also completed a crystal healing course through Gemisphere, founded by Michael Katz (author of Gemstone Energy Medicine). Adrienne was attuned to the Master level of ARCH directly from the prolific founder, Laurie Grant, and she is also a Reiki Master. She learned much about vibrational healing and tuning forks from Dr. Joseph Crane, author of Teaching the Masters; and she has completed coursework in essential oils and essences.
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Kramer Wetzel Kramer's Book: Fishing Guide to the Stars
Not many things
can explain him but here are a few. Kramer was born and
raised in a small town in East Texas. He has degrees in English
literature and considers Shakespeare his soulmate. Kramer sometimes
thinks he was Shakespeare in a previous lifetime, but that's another
Rev. jewls hanson & cynthia shelton, LCSW "Brilliant and insightful - I urge all of you to embrace the message in Awakening To Your Creation. Jewls Hanson is to be commended for her thorough understanding of the mystery of our own creations." ~ GW Hardin, New York Times best-selling author of “The Messengers”, “On The Wings of Heaven”, and “Indigo Rising.” Jewls is a nationally recognized author, master healer, speaker, and channel. She is an ordained minister in spiritual science. She has studied and taught metaphysical science for over 20 years. Cynthia is a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work. Cynthia has had psychic experiences since early childhood, which has propelled her into a lifetime quest of learning about the energies at work behind the scenes of life. But what serves her and her clients even better than her encyclopedic knowledge, is the guidance she receives from the angelic realm. |
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KAREN HUTCHINS, MA, LPC Karen is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Shamanic Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Ordained Minister and has specialized in working with severely traumatized children, adolescents and adults since 1980. She has combined extensive psychotherapeutic trainings and shamanic practitioner techniques in working with all types of childhood and adult abuse/trauma to integrate Mind, Body, and Soul.
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Elaine Ireland A certified Master Tarot
Teacher with over 40 years experience as a practicing psychic,
Elaine is well known as a successful and accurate reader for
other psychic readers! Elaine's work has included teaching
various levels of Tarot, psychic development, meditation, doing
radio and television shows, participating in and producing psychic
fairs, lectures and workshops across the nation. "Over the years I have had the honor
of helping families and police departments search for loved ones.
There are no words strong enough to express how grateful I am for
the opportunity to have helped the clients that have been led to me
and my guides for assistance. It is humbling to watch spirit work.
Even after so many years of doing this work that I love so much, I
feel that I am just getting started. I look forward to many more years of
sharing my energy and the energy of my guides with you." |
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Cathy Schwanke
Cathy Schwanke is an EFT practitioner and has been practicing
EFT for about 4 years. She has been tapping on anyone who will let
her come within arm's length and has witnessed some pretty amazing
healings. |
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SuZANNE CAMIN Spiritual Life Coach, Suzanne Camin, has been a student of metaphysics since the early '70's. She has been teaching Psychic awareness since 1991. She has been a favorite speaker at Ithaca College, Cortland College & Cornell University Dorm programs. Her services have been provided at the Stump, Forest Temple & Medium Circles in Lily Dale, NY. She has taken every opportunity to expand her knowledge and awareness to help provide her clients clear and insightful information. |
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Sioux Storm & Kandis Hill Sioux's studies have included a Master level in Reiki; Divine Intervention Spontaneous Remission, Intra-dimensional Web Working and Light language with Master Teacher and Healer Rev. Shirley Resler and Starr Fuentes as well as The Quickening Accelerated Conscious Evolution program with Dr. Suzan Rossi. Sioux left corporate America as Graphics Designer/Creative Director, in 2002 to pursue healing and art full time and now appears at holistic health expos across the United States. Kandis: Watsu Therapist, Reiki Master, Quickening Practitioner, and Divine Intervention Instructor. Kandis brings a love of water to her work from childhood, and has taught swimming, diving & water work to all ages for over 40 years. After being introduced to Watsu in 1999, she began training and completed certification in early 2000. Class work included instruction with Harold Dull, who developed Watsu. Kandis has a BS Degree in Education, majoring in Physical Education & Health. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist with additional training in myofascial release, neuromuscular re-education and corrective deep tissue work. Other modalities she draws on include: Reflexology, Shiatsu, OrthoBionomy, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Trigger Point Therapy, Therapeutic Touch, Touch for Health, Full Spectrum Healing, Body Talk, Divine Intervention and Spontaneous Remission, & Light Language. |
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Wenea Elia Wenea Elia is a certified, professional Feng Shui Consultant, graduate from the Western School of Feng Shui and reiki master/healer. "As a numerologist, whenever I have a client who could benefit from feng shui help (as the two fields are quite compatible), I always recommend Wenea without hesitation. I know that anyone I send her way will get the best of service and care and I have the utmost of confidence in her skills. Wenea has a very down to earth, no-nonsense and professional way about her work. And she has the large scope of experience to help anyone I might send, including a wonderful sense of interior design. You want someone who has a keen intuitive sense of energy for that kind of work, whether it's your home or your business, and Wenea has got it. She has a very comfortable and caring way about her, and yet there is no doubt to her leadership qualities and professional flair. She could just as easily be your VP as your Feng Shui designer.
When you're working with Wenea, you know it's
not just a bunch of head knowledge and details. It's confident,
hands-on instantaneous energetic transformation as she takes you
step by step and teaches you along the way. She doesn't just
talk a feng shui style - she lives, breathes and walks it, with
evidence of it every where she goes. I love how she has real
answers to even supposedly the most "impossible" places in
need. Think you have a lost cause? Then you haven't talked to
As a teacher, Wenea is unequaled. Her
classes are thorough and meaty, while remaining accessible to
the average lay person. Her knowledgeable teaching style leaves
a student with more actionable understanding than the average
book or class. Whether you want just a little knowledge to
change a few things at home, or to get more in-depth into the
soul of Feng Shui, Wenea's workshops are certainly the place to
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Nelda Sheets, CSMI, Editor Nelda Sheets has over forty-three years experience teaching the Silva Method. She was in the first class that Jose Silva taught to the public in Amarillo, Texas, in 1966, and was the first Instructor ever to be certified to present the Silva Method. She has been involved with Silva Method ever since and is also now the editor of the Silva News Magazine. She has experience in various businesses, and she is an award winning professional artist with paintings in international private collections as well as in museum collections in the US. She taught art to children for many years and used the Silva Method techniques with success in those classes ... this desire to share problem solving techniques with the students triggered a desire to teach the Silva Method to children. Because of an intense shyness and fear of public speaking to adults, teaching adults did not come for a year. Now Nelda welcomes the opportunity to talk to The Seeker's Round Table about developing creative thinking skills with the Silva Method, especially with our youth in mind. She has taught the Basic Seminar, Graduate Seminar, Relaxation Seminar, Creativity Workshop and Parenting Skills Workshop as well as Instructor Training for the Basic and Graduate and the Mind 2.0 Seminar. She has taught around the world; such places as Kenya, Australia, Ireland, France, Holland, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam, and in many US cities. Nelda has been honored by Silva International Inc. with their highest award, the WORLD CUP. |
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joia jitahidi Joia's book: Intuitive ManagementJoia Jitahidi is founder of The Executive Coach, an executive coaching and organizational development firm, and author of "Intuitive Management," a book featuring four Muses specifically dedicated to supporting the workplace.Joia has worked with executives and managers from private and public not-for-profit and multi-billion dollar companies nationally and internationally. She has been in private practice since 1979 and has facilitated groups within a learning environment of up to 300 with great success. In her practice, The Executive Coach, Joia meets with clients one-on-one. |
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Laura Bridwell
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Shannon Ogg Shannon Ogg is a powerful channeler and healer based out of Austin, Texas. In addition to channeling his higher self, Shannon channels many different masters and beings of light. Shannon has direct contact with guides, angels, and those beings that work with you in this experience we call life. For over 10 years Shannon has been a Reiki practitioner and healer. He is thoroughly versed in the Usui and Karuna schools, and has experienced many other modalities of this powerful healing energy. Shannon teaches classes in these different modalities several times a year - please contact him to be placed on the mailing list. Shannon is a licensed massage therapist. He often combines
the massage with healing work based on the guidance given to him by
those beings that work with you. Shannon is here to serve God and
has the utmost respect and care for his clients. |
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Chris Kopacz
Chris Kopacz is a
gifted psychic/medium as well as a powerful energy worker. She has
become a true channel for spirit, using her gifts of clairvoyance,
clairaudience and clairsentience to channel messages from loved ones
in spirit, angels and spirit guides. She then incorporates her
energy work which brings healing to the mind, body and soul. She
also facilitates and teaches workshops geared especially for those
starting out on their spiritual paths. Her future plans include a healing center
which will also incorporate classes and workshops. |
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Rev. Michael Cloud Credentials:
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SHuronda Robinson As a certified Life Mastery Consultant and Coach, Shuronda is dedicated to helping men and women live their dreams. Her desire is to build a powerful alliance with each client’s highest dream so that she can support her clients in living their best life. “I have committed my life to the understanding and practice of the laws that govern the Universe, and I fully recognize that we are unlimited beings with the ability to BE, DO and HAVE exactly what we want,” says Shuronda. Shuronda owns and operates a community affairs, public relations, and creative design consulting firm, Adisa Communications. Her expertise is in strategic planning, training, research, writing, and media relations. Certified as a Bleiker Informed Consent Builder and trained facilitator of public meetings and hearings, Shuronda has delivered training for corporations and organizations such as Lenovo, Hispanic MBA Conference, National Society of Black Engineers, and the City of Austin. Her focus is to always help clients solve problems with integrity and meet their project goals within allocated budgets and timeframes. She is a board member of the Boys & Girls Club of Austin and volunteers for her spiritual community, as well as several charities The mother of 3 boys, Adisa, Alex and Jordan, Shuronda loves to cook, as well as eat. |
Other Recommended sites not already on my home page:
This cool chick is incredibly gifted in body art and wonderful with kids.
She's got all the connections if you need help for a party too!
This is a grass roots organization based on two
main principles:
Keep usable items out of the landfills and simply help everyday normal people,
just like you and me.
The principle is based on everything that is "free-cycled" is given away for free
- absolutely no money or bartering.
It's very neighborly and a great way to de-clutter! Look for a local group
near you - there are several in Central Texas Alone!
(Been an awesome tool and lesson in the cycle of give and receive for my
children too!)
This is a great free online community/support group for
organizing your time and de-cluttering your home, one baby-step at a time!